Tuesday 12 June 2012


 Today I kept pondering over the same line "someone forgot about her" and at the same time I was being flooded by tweets about human trafficking, child protection week and so forth... so I decided to write something about "someone" in hope that that line would eventually leave me in peace by tonight, I do have to study you know hehe

Someone forgot about her
Forgot to ask why she has that bruise on her thighs
Why she couldn't bear to eat at the dinner table that evening
Why she chose to walk back instead of waiting to be picked up from school
Someone forgot to let her play
'Cause they were too busy playing one on one games with her
Busy playing "house" with her
Manipulating her innocence for their own twisted 'playing' pleasure
No someone just couldn't understand
Why she comes home late at night
Why she sets her eyes on older men
Why she finds pleasure in bringing a different guy to bed every night
Someone judged her
As she got dressed for her shift down the street at the club
Judged her when she was hooked on drugs she couldn't even name
When she whispered her price for the night through the open window
Someone just didn't care
Enough to ensure the safety of her up bringing
Enough to help her stop and see that she still possesses a bright future
Enough to just love her
And someone made her pay
For the crimes she didn't commit
For the way she chose to dress
For the voice she didn't have
For the trust she easily gave
Someone could be you!

Poetry Princess

Sunday 10 June 2012

Don't lose yourself

So I finally finished this poem/thought/expression or whatever it is that you would like to call it. It began as a line in my notebook that lasted for a few months with no story to tell. Then a few more lines were added but it seemed to have no body or end till today for some odd reason! I like it though, so thank you to the mysterious muse...

That single moment when I embrace it all
When my fears are muted in the outburst of passion
That single moment when nothing else matters
For at that second I'm at peace with my thoughts
That single moment when I fail to interpret what's obvious
Because I'm lost in my world of metaphors
That moment as I take comfort in my gloom
Because the darkness is far less disappointing than any thought of hope
When the music becomes an echoed painful wail
Murmured past ignorant ears
As the beat slows down in synch with the battered heart
I start to recall her story
She lies lost in a world that continuously rejects her presence
Trapped in a soliloquy of scripted words
She embodies a reality that she did not seek to be a part of before
Compelled by burdened circumstances
Unaware THEY embrace the laughter that shields the crying
The smile that hides the pain
The clothes that cover the scars
The beauty that façades the shame
The girl who lives in a world that refuses to see her
And when day breaks dawn yet again
She will stand assured as she puts on her masquerade
And remind herself not to get lost in it...

Poetry Princess

Friday 1 June 2012

August '08


Lost in a vision
Through a struggle of confusion
Life feels like such a drag
Since she carries enough pain to fill in a bag
Tears of another turn of wrong choices
Echoed in her mind by different hurt voices
Trying to restore a simple smile with a thought
Wishing that happiness could be bought
So she could stop on this pursuit of hopelessness
Because all it ever brings is despair and unhappiness
As she realizes that everything around her is bound to disappoint
She lies scared, torn and with no one to appoint
As her revivor
She listens to the ones around as they try to convince her that she is indeed a survivor
Crushed, drained, she finds comfort in her sorrow
Till the next one comes and they willing to borrow
A part of themselves for yet another journey of a writer's epilogue
But then we all know how it all fades with just the prologue
If only we could deny ourselves the thirst of misconception
In  time before we burst into disorientation
Caused by life's ultimate checker

Poetry Princess