Wednesday 14 September 2011

When "love" was a title

Back in highschool I lent my "dear diary" thought book to an unsuspecting character, only for it never to be returned( well can't say I was angry, more flattered then anything), but anyway a new book was in order but the words were just not coming together anymore! So a friend(same unsuspecting character mind you) at the time suggested I write about "love" and my response as you can imagine was probably the same as the one you have now as you read this. but nonetheless took up the challenge, took my pencil( always felt confident writing in lead) and put words on paper...

Day to day
Trying to understand the undefined
Words in conflict for description
Of what the innerself experiences
"Love so deep it causes butterflies in the knees(stomach),
Love so beautiful like the bright stars twinkling on a dark winter evening"
Vague expressions enough to make you fall...
Out of love
With little experience
But yet a touch of it to make you want more
And lost in the translation of love
That it makes you wonder how things like
Happiness, pain and confusion can be
Encrypted in four simple letters
To leave so many people attached to a point
Of creative explosion
My rhythmic contraction and expansion of the artery
Rates me toward my feelings of love
And my trials take me through this journey
Though I still have not boarded for departure
My expectations allow me to try and
Understand where I am heading..
What I am trying to say is
Words are too ordinary to explain "love"
And only through experience can one truly appreciate the mystery
My picture of love
Is yet to be perfected
So I can tell the story behind it!

Poetry princess

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