Tuesday 29 November 2011

My ideal is my reality

I actually found this on my pc, I was not even sure if I had written it lol I know right? It just sounded so mature and articulate (not that I’m neither I just have my moments). I am a student of my own mind, and so I am yet to identify with what exactly it is that I can accomplish with it. Anywaaaaaaay this is something I have been struggling to understand with a couple of people who seem to know what they want but struggle to believe in getting what they want.
Many times I come across these words, “well that is just how it would be if things were ideal”, and often I think to myself, this ideal world is actually my reality. The sad reality though is that we have become a society that has stopped believing in the good things of life. We have accepted the harsh realities that we have come to face as the norm of this life, so in turn we refuse ourselves to dream of a better life and more so a better love. I have been having this argument continuously with friends, that I want a so and so type of person and how they would like a so and so forth type of person as well but “they” know that nowadays such people do not exist so they willing to settle for less!? I think I get a sort of chill when someone says well at least he/she is not that bad or “but I mean we cannot always get what we want so let me work with what is given to me.”  
My argument in that is that if you do not believe that that so called is around for you somewhere then for sure you will not find that person, do not blame society and its way of life for not being able to meet that sort of person but rather blame yourself for the lack of faith. “For we focus our eyes not on things that are seen but on things that are unseen, because things that are seen are temporary, and those unseen are eternal”, 2Corinthians4: 18, a verse that I have come to appreciate over time as it questions and strengthens ones faith.
I for one am not a specialist or any sort of relationship counsellor but I know exactly what it is that I want and I know that it’s very much so attainable. In this life time you have to teach yourself one thing and one thing only, your life is only as great as your faith. Well at least that is what I think.
If you believe in good things for your life then that is exactly what you will receive in it.
Paulo Coehlo(my new favourite author) writes that “… when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”  

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