Friday 3 February 2012

Girl pleeeeeaz

I hope my skeemz don't mind that I took it upon myself to reply to her "Boy pleez"...

This girl has got me losing my sense of manhood though
I mean she pretty and all but she ain't all that right?
*tries to convince myself*
If only I could spend a moment in her thoughts, steal that one hopeful thought of me
Well at least I'd like to think that I do cross her mind every now and then...
I think she knows though
I mean a guy is all up in her space making random conversation with the lady
Where am I going with this though...

Should ask if she has any lunch plans?
No "dawg" too obvious
But I got this, I mean I've done this countless times before
I mean she pretty and all but she ain't all that riiiiiiight?
*compose yourself "dawg"*

Ok let's try this one more time
Wait, did she just say "I'm fine and you thanx"?
She has got to be as nervous as I am obviously
I mean why else would she lose her grip on grammar so to say...
We all know her eloquent way is just one of my favourate things about her

This girl though
What is it about her?
I can't tell my boys  about this, well not till I'm sure riiiight?
*takes my hand out my pocket*
Let's show some composure boi #notetoself

"Hello beautiful how are you doing?"
Wait, did I just say that to her?
She must think I'm...what's the word...yeah lame
What's next "your my size"?
*laughs out loud* well not really I just smiled...
She must think I'm smiling back at her so no harm done
Shoot a brother for being honest though

I can't seem to get a read on her.
Is she just being nice, friendly... or is she genuinely blushing?

Me:"Looking beautiful as always"
Her: "thank you, you don't look to shabby yourself"
That's comforting, was wondering this morning if this tie goes well with this shirt...
*awkward staring*
"Enjoy your day dear, hopefully I can catch you later, got some work to do..." #blahblah
But that could have gone smoother right?

But this girl though
Is she checking me out as I walk away?
Do I turn and look at her now?
"Nah dawg, I've been saying this though"
*compose yourself*

Let's try this again tomorrow
"How are you doing beautiful?"
Ah flip, I just  had to throw that last part in again
Her: "I'm fine and you thanx"?
Ha ha ha, she did it again

Phase one complete :)

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